Specialists in Environmental and Marine Acoustics
Integral Services in the Field of Environmental and Marine Acoustics

ENAC Accredited Environmental Acoustics Laboratory

Noise and Vibration Modeling | Noise Maps

Specialists in Marine Acoustics

Acoustic insulation, soundproofing, corrective measures


Accredited Acoustic Laboratory by ENAC

  • Environmental noise testing for industries.
  • Determination of outdoor noise levels for AAI/AAU.
  • Conformity declarations
  • Acoustic certifications of environmental noise for activities.

Modelización de Ruido y Vibraciones

  • Predictive modeling studies using approved calculation, simulation and prediction software.
  • Finite element modeling of all types of superstructures and enclosures.
  • Lighting studies for industries and shopping centers: calculation of light sources and control systems.
  • Predictive studies prior to environmental authorizations (AAI, AAU and for activity licenses)

Noise Maps

  • Strategic noise maps, predictive studies of cities, roads, ports and airports.
  • Noise studies for general urban planning and linear works (high speed, railroads, subways).
  • Vibration predictive studies for construction sites, subways, railroads, high speed lines, streetcars, etc

Marine Acoustics

  • Underwater noise testing for maritime and port works.
  • Continuous noise monitoring.
  • Bioacoustics studies
  • Underwater noise modeling and underwater acoustics.
  • Design of underwater noise mitigation measures.

Soundproofing, Sound Insulation, Soundproofing

  • Interior and exterior noise tests
  • Airborne sound insulation, floor slab, facade tests
  • Impact noise insulation tests
  • Acoustic audits
  • Design of noise mitigation measures

Advice, corrective corrective measures

  • Consulting on corrective measures for industry, silencers, encapsulation and cabinets.
  • Advice and control of work for building CTE-HR insulation and conditioning.
  • Intensity probe tests for the detection of transmission bridges.
  • Advice on corrective measures for civil works, acoustic screens, elastomeric blankets, modification of projects.
  • Continuous measurement systems for noise and vibration monitoring.
  • Interior noise modeling for auditoriums and multipurpose rooms
entidad acreditada ambiental

Why do you need an
environmental acoustics
acoustics lab?

We can help you meet these requirements with the guarantee of our ENAC Accreditation:

  • To have a noise results report with accredited body recognition.
  • Measurement of environmental noise or vibrations as required by environmental authorizations or applicable legislation.
  • Availability of information on acoustic insulation of the building, slab, facade.
  • Predictions for assessment of corrective measures
  • Guarantee the reliability of the results
  • Guarantee that all measurement equipment follows a strict metrological control.



We have the most advanced technology to carry out all the works following standardized methodologies and according to the highest quality standards.

  • Sound level meters and calibrators
  • Hydrophones with buoy, positional GPS and synchronization
  • Accelerometer and intensity probes

¿Por qué elegirnos?

01. Quality

Compliance with the highest quality standards.

02. Accreditations

Accreditation with maximum scope.

03. Solutions

Integral environmental solutions

04. Prestige

Belonging to an international group of great prestige.

05. Experience

Expert team with maximum experience

06. Specialization

Consulting and specialized advice.

07. Scope

Máximo alcance territorial.

Our ENAC accreditations in Acoustics guarantee our clients the fulfillment of the most demanding quality standards, providing confidence and reliability of the results.

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Leaders in integral services for the environment. Our ENAC accreditations endorse us.

Logotipo Eurofins Environment Testing

Eurofins Enviroment Testing Spain is currently the reference in the environmental sector in Spain. Thanks to our multiple ENAC accreditations we offer a comprehensive environmental service in analysis, control and inspection.


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