With EcoGestor Legislation you will have the peace of mind of being 100% compliant with legal obligations.

The most complete legislative database: Environment, Occupational Health and Safety, Quality, Energy Efficiency, Food Safety, Facility Regulations, Natural Environment, etc.

What does legislative service include?
Legal support by specialized consultant
Identification and continuous updating of applicable obligations
Digital audit tool
Schedule of Obligations
Notices of new legislation
ecogestor software legislación
ecogestor software legislación
¿What is EcoGestor Legislación?

EcoGestor Legislation is an online legislative service for the identification, permanent updating and management of the legal requirements applicable to a company in different regulatory areas:

  • Environment
  • Occupational Risk Prevention
  • Food Safety
  • Facility Regulations
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Quality
  • Natural Environment

EcoGestor Legislation has advanced digital tools so that our clients can be permanently informed of the legislation and legal obligations that apply to them and can easily keep track of their legal compliance: agenda module, auditing, legislative alerts, advanced searches, etc.

EcoGestor Legislation is the preferred legislative tool in the market, due to its simplicity, maximum quality and customization.

How is the implementation and maintenance of the EcoGestor Legislation service performed?

The implementation of the service is very simple for our clients. It is the particular consultant assigned to the center who carries out a detailed study of the legal obligations that are applicable to the center, based on a previous questionnaire filled in by the client with the advice and permanent help of his consultant.

Our team of consultants updates the legislation on a daily basis by consulting all the official bulletins. Our consultants are in charge of keeping our clients’ legislative obligations up to date, so that they can be completely unconcerned.

We keep our clients permanently informed of legislative alerts, subsidies and drafts, as well as new legal obligations that apply to them, through weekly mailings. In addition, clients receive periodic reports with summaries of the new regulations and obligations that apply to their company.

At all times our clients are accompanied by a specialized private consultant who will advise them on any questions they may have regarding the legislation applicable to their organization.

ecogestor software legislación
ecogestor software legislación

Enjoy the best legislative service

We work every day to offer our clients the best legislative service in the market. We have been specialized in legislation for more than 35 years. Don’t worry about legal compliance, that’s what we are here for.


All Certification Scopes Available

Subscription to this service allows you to comply with the sections on identification, access and compliance with requirements, legal obligations and evaluation of compliance, for the following standards:

UNE-EN ISO 14001:2015: Environmental Management Systems. Requirements with guidance for use

UNE-EN ISO 22000:2018: Sistemas de gestión de la inocuidad de los alimentos. Requisitos para cualquier organización en la cadena alimentaria.

ISO 45001:2018: Occupational health and safety management systems.

UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015: Quality Management Systems. Requirements.

UNE-EN ISO 50001:2018: Energy Management Systems. Requirements with guidance for use.

EMAS: Community Eco-Management and Audit Scheme.

UNE-EN ISO/IEC 27001:2013: Information technology. Security techniques. ISMS Information Security Management Systems.

UNE 171330-3:2010: Indoor environmental quality. Part 3: Indoor environment management system.

UNE-EN ISO 39001:2013: Road Safety Management Systems. Requirements and good practice recommendations.

EcoGestor Legislation Features

Permanently updated list of legal obligations and legislative texts applicable to each company.

Notifications and automatic e-mail alerts of the due dates of obligations.

Audit Module: tool for self-assessment of compliance with legal obligations, with multiple functionalities: attach records, documents, photos, add comments, generate reports, make queries, compare results.

Management of obligations: you can manage your legal obligations including comments, attach documents, assign responsible parties, enter due dates, etc.

Legal Agenda and Calendar to consult legal obligations and their progress status. Creation of legal tasks. Alerts and due date notices.

Free legal support with a specialized consultant for technical and legal consultations on applicable laws and regulations.

Benefits of EcoGestor Legislation

Saves time and resources

Avoiding penalties from the Administration for legal non-compliance

Comply with your ISO certifications

Minimizes environmental risks and accidents

Be the first to know about new legislative developments


We make legislation easy


Available through the Internet 24×7 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year).


Notifications of all legislative news by mail. Stay informed of everything that applies to you


EcoGestor Legislation has tools so that you can easily manage and control legal compliance yourself.

LEGAL SUPPORT (specialized consultants)

Feel secure with the legal support of specialized legal consultants with more than 20 years of experience.


SaaS (Software as a Service) technology, no installation of external components required.


Validated service for the main ISO standards. Don’t suffer any more in your audits


Service available in Spain and Portugal (new countries coming soon). You can have the program version in Spanish, English or Portuguese.


The tool has multiple user and multicenter profiles for maximum customization of visualization and management.


Our EcoGestor LEGISLATION service guarantees the permanent updating and management of the legal obligations applicable to an organization for the following topics:


Access the most complete environmental and sustainability legislation for any ISO 14001 system.


All your legal obligations of Occupational Risk Prevention at just one click.


Industry standards to comply with any ISO 9001 Quality System


Food Safety Legislation Update Service


Todas las obligaciones legales de Eficiencia Energética para sistemas de gestión ISO 50.001


The most complete database on protected areas and the natural environment.


All regulations related to road safety and information security for both certifications.


All regulations and norms applicable to all types of industrial equipment and installations.

All Sectors

EcoGestor LEGISLATION allows to integrate in a single database the legislation of all sectors:

  • Access to the most complete legislation on industry and industrial safety.

  • The most comprehensive database for the electricity sector

  • All the regulations of the Spanish energy sector with access to the most significant environmental legislation.

  • Updated information on regulations for registration, evaluation, authorization and restriction of chemical substances.

  • Access to complete and updated legislation for the logistics and transportation sector.

  • Assesses compliance with all applicable water regulations: groundwater, marine, inland. All companies in the water sector will find the most specialized database.

  • The most complete information on hydrocarbons legislation. We cover all the legislative needs of the sector.

  • We help you comply with the rules and regulations of the health system.

  • The most complete access to the most important tourism regulations applicable to companies, events and professions.

  • All the legislation about the regulatory standards for bars, restaurants and cafeterias.

  • Evaluates compliance with legislation and regulations in the management of facilities in different areas: sports, aeronautics, etc.

  • All the latest information on Spanish legislation on land, sea and air transport.

  • Access to mining safety regulations and legislation: miners’ rights and referenced documentation.

  • We help you comply with construction, urban planning and architecture legislation and regulations.

  • The entire database of food safety legislation on a single platform.


Complementary services

ecogestor software legislación

Customer’s specific obligations or own requirements

Do you have other requirements derived from authorizations or internal procedures? Don’t worry, we can upload them to the platform and you can manage them like any other obligation.

ecogestor software legislación

Follow-up visits to the center by a specialized consultant

Our team of consultants or legal auditors travel to company sites to review or follow up on obligations, legal advice, or related services.

ecogestor software legislación

Legal compliance audits

Our auditors specialized in regulations perform an exhaustive check of all legislation and obligations applicable to the company in order to obtain a complete view of the state of legislative compliance. Both in person and online.

ecogestor software legislación

Legal Counseling

Within our consulting area, we carry out all types of work related to legislative compliance in environmental and occupational risk prevention matters.

Request a free demo now

Other EcoGestor Solutions

ecogestor controles ambientales

EcoGestor CMMS

CMMS solution for asset management and preventive and corrective maintenance operations of industrial facilities.

ecogestor gmao software mantenimiento

EcoGestor CBA

Software for the Coordination of Business Activities (CBA) supported by senior technicians in occupational risk prevention. Outsourcing mode available in Spain and Portugal.

ecogestor no conformidades

EcoGestor Nonconformities

Fully automated incident management software, including incident logging, tracking and closure.

ecogestor software residuos

EcoGestor Waste

Digitalization and automation of all documentation related to waste management. Connections with regional platforms.

EcoGestor Legislation

Thousands of users already rely on our EcoGestor Legislation service to ensure legal compliance in their organization. Do you want to be part of the EcoGestor community?


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Do you want to know more about EcoGestor Legislation?

Request a free demo and talk to a technical specialist in legislation who will explain all the features and how you can implement EcoGestor Legislation in your company.

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Eurofins Enviroment Testing Spain is currently the reference in the environmental sector in Spain. Thanks to our multiple ENAC accreditations we offer a comprehensive environmental service in analysis, control and inspection.


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