Optimize contract management with Ecogestor CBA #1 software
  • Save time and increase safety
  • Centralize all the management of contractors and suppliers in one place and get an efficient management of the coordination of business activities in your organization. Easy, efficient and secure with Ecogestor CBA.
What does Ecogestor CBA include?
License to use the tool
Technical Support
Training and onboarding (private consultant)
Notices and expiration dates
Automatic validation of certain documents
software ecogestor cba

What is Ecogestor CBA?

EcoGestor CBA (Coordination of Business Activities) is the online software that will allow you to control and manage quickly and efficiently all documentation related to the coordination of business activities in compliance with legislation and ensuring safety. Ecogestor CBA is valid for any organization, contractor or subcontractor company and has numerous features that make it the leading tool for Coordination of Business Activities in the market. The service has a technical outsourcing modality for the validation of CBA documents, also available in Portugal.

Ensures legal compliance with the Coordination of Business Activities.

EcoGestor CBA is the software for the coordination of business activities that will help you to comply with R.D. 171/2004 and R.D. 1627/1997 regarding the requirements in the evaluation of occupational risks and the planning of your preventive activity. With Ecogestor CBA you will have up to date your obligations in terms of information and training to contractors, as well as the necessary means of coordination between them.


Coordinate your contractors and upload CBA documentation in a simple way

With EcoGestor CBA, contractors or subcontractors can upload their Business Activity Coordination documentation to a single, centralized location, quickly, easily and securely. The owner company will be able to review all the CBA documentation and approve it with a single click.

In addition, the owner center will be able to manage permits, receive automatic notifications of document expiration notices, notice of new documents uploaded, will have all the information in one place.

Forget about suffering with excel, paper documents, or sharing folders. Ecogestor CBA is the definitive tool with which coordinating contracts will no longer be a suffering. Easy, agile, simple and above all secure.

Everything digitized, centralized in one place, under maximum security. Our specialized technical support will accompany you throughout the process so that the coordination of business activities works optimally.

Leave the coordination of business activities in the hands of Ecogestor CBA and dedicate your time to other occupational risk prevention activities.

ecogestor CAE coordinación actividades empresariales

Most outstanding features


Flexible structure to upload information on contractors, workers, subcontractors, vehicles, machinery, etc., depending on the characteristics defined by the business activity coordination manager.


You will be able to consult all the notices and notifications that you have sent to your contractors through our tool without the need for other acknowledgements of receipt.


You will have at your disposal several tools that will simplify the review and approval process: traffic light panel, document mailbox, e-mail alerts, search engines.


Registration of visits to the work center with generation of business cards. Possibility of integration with access control tools.


You will be able to group the requested documents by profiles, both at the level of workers, contractors, vehicles, machinery, which will greatly simplify your work.


You will have several tools for documentation review that will make checking the status of your documentation more intuitive.


You will be able to publish the different information between centers. Moreover, Ecogestor CBA belongs to Konvergia, the network for document exchange between several CBA platforms. Stop working twice to do the same thing.


You can consult all types of information on the platform: access registry, validated documentation, pending documentation, eligible or ineligible workers, machines, vehicles.

ecogestor CAE coordinación actividades empresariales

Why choose Ecogestor CBA?

Ecogestor CBA is the Business Activity Coordination software used by hundreds of companies to digitize and optimize business coordination in their organizations. Find out why:


Optimize resources and improve your efficiency

Documentary control in the coordination of business activities involves an important dedication to keep up to date both the contractors / subcontractors who access the workplace and their updated documentation.

Through EcoGestor CBA we will help you to optimize resources and improve the efficiency of the process of Coordination of Business Activities. We calculate the savings you could achieve thanks to our service. Contact us.


Try our technical outsourcing service of Business Activity Coordination and forget about the CBA.

We design and implement for you the documentary procedures for the coordination of business activities.

We take care of all the configuration and start-up of the EcoGestor CBA software so that you don't have to worry about it.

Our team of senior PRL technicians reviews and validates for you the documentation for the coordination of business activities

We have a comprehensive service for contractors and suppliers (telephone and web) from our offices in Spain. We speak for you

We resolve any incidents that may arise and notify the contractors so that everything is on time and in order.

ecogestor CAE coordinación actividades empresariales
ecogestor CAE coordinación actividades empresariales

Ecogestor CBA features that make it the CBA software of choice for companies

With EcoGestor CBA software, you will be able to reduce the time spent in the Coordination of Business Activities due to its features.

ONLINE (without installation)

Available through the Internet 24×7 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year). No installation required


Automatically notifies the contractors of all pending procedures and the owner plant.


Adaptable to the latest mobile devices, Smartphone, tablet,…you will be able to access information from anywhere.


The software complies with the parameters of the Data Protection Act. 100% secure


Specialized support to help you with any questions. Ecogestor CBA is easy, but we still have the best onboarding.


Allows integration with your work center access platforms (barriers, turnstiles, etc.)


Service translated into several languages and also available in Portugal.


The TC2, ITA, CAT and CSS are automatically checked to ensTure that the workers’ information is in accordance with the document.

outsourcing cba

Outsourcing services in Spain and Portugal 

We have a specialized technical team so that you can outsource 100% of the coordination of business activities in your organization. Our senior technicians in occupational risk prevention perform the implementation of the service, validate the documents, carry out all communications with contractors / subcontractors, provide support to contractors and training, make notifications and warnings…

inverse cba

Inverse CBA

We provide the documentation that a worker needs to access a work center and execute a scheduled job. We take care of guaranteeing timely access for all your workers, so that no one is left at the door. We manage coordination through scheduled work requests.

flexi cba

Flexi CBA

Flexi CBA is a modular service for specific validation needs, we take care of everything to update the documentation related to the coordination of business activities on demand.

The perfect combination of flexibility and the peace of mind of leaving the validation in the hands of experts… without any “permanence”. Discover Flexi CBA.

unattended access

Unattended access

Discover our App to register the accesses and exits of both contracted and visiting workers, in an autonomous way, without the need of the presence of own personnel to register it.

Without user or password; in Spanish, English and Basque and with the possibility of printing business cards for visiting companies.

CAE formación

Ecogestor CAE is very intuitive, but we still provide customized training

All the training you need on the advanced operation of the application so you can get the most out of it. Although the use of the software is totally intuitive, with customized training you will be able to take full advantage of all the benefits of Ecogestor CBA through personalized training.


Do you want to know more about Ecogestor CBA?

Try our Ecogestor CBA tool through a free and personalized demo. Tell us your case and we will have the solution to your needs.

Other Ecogestor Solutions

ecogestor CAE coordinación actividades empresariales

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ecogestor CAE coordinación actividades empresariales

EcoGestor Legislation

Updating service and advice on environmental legislation, occupational risk prevention, facility regulations, safety, food… Totally personalized.

ecogestor CAE coordinación actividades empresariales

EcoGestor PPEs

Personal Protective Equipment management control and tracking software. Control and monitoring of the stock of all personal protective equipment.

ecogestor software residuos

EcoGestor Waste

Software for the digitalization of all documentation related to waste management. With connections to the digital platforms of the Autonomous Communities.


Lo que dicen de EcoGestor CAE


EcoGestor CBA

Thousands of users already rely on our EcoGestor CBA service to ensure the safety of the coordination of business activities in their organization. Do you want to be part of the Ecogestor community?


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