Do you know the program
Digital Kit?

The Kit Digital program is an initiative of the Government of Spain, which aims to support the implementation of digital solutions in companies. The Kit Digital aid program corresponds to the European funds “Next Generation EU” within the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.

kit digital
What is Digital Kit?

The Digital Kit is an initiative of the Government of Spain, whose objective is to promote the digitalization of small companies, micro-enterprises and self-employed people, through subsidies for the implementation of digital solutions that are included in the Program’s Digitalization Solutions Catalog.

The grants of the Kit Digital program are considered direct subsidies and are intended to finance the adoption of one or more of the digitalization solutions available in the program’s Solutions Catalog.

The Kit Digital initiative has a budget of 3,067 million euros. Here you can download the terms and conditions of the call for proposals.

Who is the digital kit for?

The Kit Digital program is aimed at small companies, micro-enterprises and self-employed workers, regardless of sector or type of business, who wish to improve their competitiveness and level of digital maturity by adopting digitalization solutions.

Segment I of these Kit Digital grants is aimed at SMEs between 10 and 49 employees, and is endowed with €500 million of the total €3 billion.

How to get the digital voucher?

If you meet the conditions set out in the terms and conditions of the Kit Digital program, you will be able to get a digital voucher with an economic amount to be administered by choosing one or more digital solutions included in the program’s catalog of solutions.

To apply for your digital voucher of the Kit Digital program you must enter the Acelera pyme website and follow the steps indicated:

Sign up

Through the private area and complete the digital diagnostic test.

Consultar la información

Of the digitization solutions that the Digital Kit program will make available to you.

Accede a los trámites

To request your Kit Digital voucher.

Here is a quick guide to guide you through the process of obtaining your digital voucher.

Kit Digital

Most outstanding features

What we offer as a digitizing agent
within the Digital Kit program

As a digitalizing agent of the Kit Digital program, we offer 5 digital solutions within the category of process management oriented to the digital optimization of companies. The solutions included in the solutions catalog of the Kit Digital program are the following:

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