Eurofins IPROMA

organic pollutants Guadiaro

Study on organic pollutants in Guadiaro published

Study on organic pollutants in Guadiaro published 1200 800 Prisma
The scientific journal Journal of Environmental Management has published a studythe “Study of the presence and environmental risk of organic pollutants regulated by the European Union and other organic compounds in the water resources of a region overlapping protected areas: the Guadiaro river basin (southern Spain)”. read more

The Ministry of Science and Innovation gives the µNanoCare project a green light

The Ministry of Science and Innovation gives the µNanoCare project a green light Ana Vazquez
The µNanoCare project will address the quantification of micronanoplastics in reclaimed water and agricultural ecosystems and will assess the associated environmental risk. The project is funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation in the call “Retos Colaboración 2019” and will run until the end of 2023. The consortium that forms µNanoCare is made up of three entities: IMDEA Agua as a research center and IPROMA (coordinator) and FACSA as leading companies in their sectors. read more

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